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Biology & Environmental Science: FOREST

Computer-based forest-growth simulators have been used in the inquiry-based Hampshire College Ecology of Old-Growth New England Forests course, but existing simulators have several weaknesses including poor interfaces, lack of connection to field studies, and "black box" simulator components.


Early prototypes of the software and the associated classroom activities are being tested in Spring 1999. Further development will occur in Summer and Fall of 1999 with another round of testing in Spring 2000.

The FOREST project was recently awarded additional funding from the Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Program, National Science Foundation.

Features of the Formula Inspector:

Feature Example or Description
Textual representation of the formula Soil Quality Index = (1 - Total Basal Area)/Maximum Plot Basal Area
Click on a variable or parameter and get a description of it. SQI is soil quality index, which determines how the intrinsic fertility of the site limits the growth of trees
Explanation of Units Explains the units in which each variable and parameter are measured
Explanation of the purpose entire formula This formula shows how the soil quality index is a measure of how close the soil is to the maximum possible growth capacity for a given plot.
Graphical representation A picture showing the qualitative relationship between the variables involved. For example a family of curves or an exponential relationship.
Show where the results are used Once SQI is calculated, it can be used in these equations: Ö
Describe the underlying theory behind the formula Text that describes how the formula was derived or discovered, for example, how a formula is due to the nature of chemical bonding in photosynthesis.
Assumptions, simplifications, and limitations to the formula The formula assumes that tree circumferences are perfect circles.
Alternative formulas For a more complex formula that takes into account circumferences that are not perfect circles, see Ö
Other features We have considered other information to include, such as the equation in differential and integral forms

Screens from the Current FOREST Prototype: