Quantum Gates


class  QGateCNOT
 CNOT <control> <target>: Applies a controlled NOT gate to the target qubit. More...

class  QGateCPHASE
 CPHASE <control> <target> <alpha>: Another, probably preferable version of a controlled phase gate. More...

 CPHASE-OLD <control> <target> <alpha>: Old version of a controlled phase gate. More...

class  QGateH2
 HADAMARD <q>: Applies a Hadamard transformation to the given qubit. More...

class  QGateNAND
 NAND <in1> <in2> <out>: Applies a quantum NAND gate to the specified qubits. More...

class  QGateQNOT
 QNOT <q>: Applies a quantum NOT gate to the given qubit. More...

class  QGateSRN
 SRN <q>: Applies a quantum square-root-of-NOT gate to the given qubit. More...

class  QGateSWAP
 SWAP <q1> <q2>: Swaps the amplitudes of the specified qubits. More...

class  QGateU2
 U2 <q> <phi> <theta> <psi> <alpha>: A general rotation gate for a single qubit with four real-valued parameters. More...

class  QGateUTHETA
 U-THETA <q> <theta>: Rotates the given qubit by the (real-valued) angle theta. More...

class  QMatrixGate
 MATRIX-GATE #2A((row1)(row2)...(rown)): Defines a general matrix gate. More...

class  QOracle
 ORACLE ORACLE-TT <q1> <q2> ... More...

Generated on Sat Apr 3 18:42:28 2004 for QGame++ by doxygen 1.3.5