Formatting and Delivery Instructions for the

GECCO-2001 Conference

NEW: Reviewer Review Form

This page contains links to formatting instructions, templates, and delivery instructions for final, "camera-ready" versions of papers accepted for publication in the GECCO-2001 proceedings.

NOTE: The page limit for regular papers ("accepted for full presentation") is EIGHT (8). For a fee of $200/page (see the "Delivery instructions" below) this can be increased up to a total of TEN (10) pages (for $400).

Formatting Instructions and Templates

  1. A LaTeX style file with an example of its use
  2. A LaTeX2e style file
  3. For MS Word, a template and the formatting instructions
  4. The formatting instructions in postscript
  5. The formatting instructions in PDF

Delivery Instructions

Note: These are unusual; read them well in advance of the April 6 deadline! Also: These delivery instructions do not apply to late-breaking papers (see below).

  1. Delivery instructions in PDF (64KB)
  2. Delivery instructions in postscript (620KB)

One-Page Abstracts for Poster Presentations

If your submission was accepted for a poster presentation then you should prepare a one-page abstract for inclusion in the proceedings. The formatting and delivery instructions for one-page abstracts are the same as those provided above except that the maximum number of pages is ONE (1).

Late-Breaking Papers

Late-breaking papers should conform to the format specified above but they should not be delivered in accordance with the delivery instructions for regular papers. Rather, they should be delivered to AAAI according to the instructions provided in the Call for Late-Breaking Papers. Note that the page limit for late-breaking papers is EIGHT (8); the option of including additional pages (for a fee, as described in the delivery instructions above) does not apply to late-breaking papers.

The instructions for formatting submissions, for which the deadline has passed, have been moved to here.
Page maintained by Lee Spector,